
API Information

The Base URL used for the NetSuite REST connector is https://{account-id} More information can be found on their main API documentation (v1.0) - NetSuite REST documentation site.

See the NetSuite REST API documentation for their full API reference.



To use NetSuite REST web services the relevant REST Web Services features must be enabled within your NetSuite account.

Additionally the REST web services user must have the required permissions assigned to said user’s role.


Account ID

Retreive from base url

Consumer Key

Certificate ID

Preparing the connection

Enable features

  1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features then select the SuiteCloud tab.

  2. Enable the Rest Web Services checkbox options under SuiteTalk (Web Services).

  3. Click Save.

Add a New Integration in NetSuite

  1. In your NetSuite account, navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New.

  2. Add a Name, a Description, and click to change the State dropdown to Enabled.

  3. Uncheck everything in the section Token-based Authentication. If it's not possible to uncheck anything, follow these steps:

    • In the OAuth 2.0 section: Check Client credentials.

    • In the Token-based Authentication: Uncheck all fields.

  4. In the OAuth 2.0 section and Scope checkboxes, check all available fields (RESTLETS, REST WEB SERVICES, SUITEANALYTICS CONNECT).

  5. In the OAuth 2.0 section check Client Credentials (Machine to Machine grant).

  6. Save the integration.

  7. Copy the Client ID (Consumer ID) and Client Secret (Consumer Secret) at the bottom of the page.

Generate an RSA Key

  1. In your iconnek account, generate a RSA certificate and copy the public key.

  2. Create a *.pem file with the copied public key.

Upload Public Key to NetSuite

  1. In your NetSuite account, navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Authentication section.

  2. Go to OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup > New.

  3. Configure the following fields:

    1. Entity: Select a user with the Log in using OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens permission.

    2. Role: Select a role with the Log in using OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens permission.

    3. Application: Select your application e.g. iconnek. You will see your integration only if you checked the Client Credentials (Machine to Machine grant) box when adding it.

  4. Select the public key from the previous step as the Certificate.

  5. Once you Save, copy the Certificate ID.

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